Peckham WI

"We love to give back to our local community. We are vibrant group of women of a mixture of ages! We welcome ALL women!"

A group of women standing in a room holding two signs. The sign on the left shows the female gender symbol. The sign on the right reads 'same fight different century'.

  • When was your WI formed?

We were formed in 2015.

  • How did you spread the word about your WI?

We are quite active on social media, word spread there, plus word of mouth.

  • Please complete the sentence, at our meetings we…

Eat cake!

  • What are the three best things about your WI?

We love to give back to our local community

We are vibrant group of women of a mixture of ages!

We welcome ALL women!

Two women smiling holding crafted flowers.

  • What do you and your members enjoy the most and value the most?

Getting together, having the opportunity to socialise whilst learning something new is amazing.

  • The WI is…

Integral to fight for equity.

  • If you had to describe the members of your WI in one word, it would be:


  • One of the NFWI’s vision statements is “Bold and Inspiring”. Can you think of a situation when your WI and/or its members stroke you as particularly bold? A situation where your members smashed a stereotype?

Our founding president was only 23 when our WI was formed.

A group of women sat around a table doing arts and crafts.

  • Can you name one thing people might not know about the WI or do not expect from the WI?

We lobby the government on campaigns that are incredibly important. The WI also uses its vast network to educate on their campaigns; including on HIV and AIDS in the 80s to end the stigma, fear and misinformation and get people talking.

  • In your opinion, how has the WI changed during the last 108 years?

Although there is always more to be done, the WI has become more representative of the wider society.

  • When thinking about the future of your WI, what are you looking forward to the most?

Our 10 year anniversary. Although it may not sound like a big anniversary, it is something to be proud of. We are always in awe of WIs who’ve served their communities for 100 years!

A group of women sat around a table making a sign together.