WI in the community

WIs getting involved in there local area by raising money doing different activities.

Margate WI, East Kent federation members joined the mermaid parade dressed up in all their mermaid finery and celebrated the brilliance of being by the sea. The event was fundraising for the volunteers for the RNLI and Rise Up Clean Up.

They also sewed over 100 patchwork blankets to say thank you to a local Special Care Baby Unit. The idea was born after a founding member of Margate WI wanted to thank the local baby unit for the care they showed when her baby boy was born prematurely. WI member grandmother to the baby boy led and coordinated the project.

Rolling Scones WI, Lincolnshire North hosted a stall at Louth Food and Drink Festival where one of the highlights was an attention-grabbing ‘human fruit machine’ which can be found on their Facebook page. BBC Radio Lincolnshire as the President interviewed.

Pensby WI, Cheshire federation abseiled local lighthouse to raise money for Dogs for Good, a charity that provides assistance dogs that provide support to adults and children with a range of disabilities, including children and autism.

Shipley WI, Derbyshire federation promoted their WI outside a smoothie bar, which is also a local hub. The owner was a guest speaker so that’s how this came about. They created a display including a photo album of their events which is a useful talking point. They made good use of the posters and flyer templates provided by their federation. The posters are updated regularly and displayed in the 6 parish boards and local libraries etc; they did a leaflet drop in the new housing development in the village using the flyers.