Rock painting

Skill level: Beginner

You will need

  • Rocks – with a smooth surface
  • Acrylic paints
  • Paintbrushes
  • Cup of water – for paintbrushes
  • Acrylic paint pens (optional)
  • Sealer/varnish (optional)

To make

  1. Wash the rocks with soap and water and leave to dry.
  2. As rocks vary in shape and size, select a rock most suitable for the design you would like to paint.
  3. Depending on the colouring of the rock and your design, you may like to start with a base coat – to do so, paint one coat of white acrylic paint on to your rock and leave to dry.
  4. Paint your design on to the rock – for more intricate details, you can use acrylic paint pens.  Once dry, if you feel the colours are a little dull, paint a second coat and again, leave to dry.
  5. Add your WI’s name, website, social media details or email address to the back of the rock.
  6. To protect your rock, you may wish to spray or paint it with a clear sealer or varnish, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  7. Place your rocks out and about in your local area for others to find and enjoy!

Top tips

  • Acrylic paint pens are great for more intricate designs and text
  • Use a spare rock to test out colours and designs
  • If you make a small mistake and the paint is still wet, use a damp piece of kitchen paper to carefully wipe away the error

Project by Kirstie Phipps