What is a QR code?

For WIs only

QR stands for ‘Quick Response’.  A QR code is like a barcode that holds information that can be accessed by scanning it with a mobile device. Scanning the barcode will send someone to a specific website selected by the maker of the QR code. For example, this QR code takes you to the WI become a member webpage.

What are the benefits of using a QR Code?

  • Increase engagement with photos and videos
  • Promote your WI at events
  • All done with a single scan
  • QR codes can be put on posters, leaflets

Scanning a QR Code

  • Open the camera app on your mobile phone and hold it over a code for a few seconds until a notification pops up.
  • Click on the notification and it will take you to the website linked to the code.
  • If the notification does not pop up, check the settings on your phone and see if QR code scanning is enabled. If not then, you may have to install a QR code reader app which you can search for via your phone’s app store.
  • There’s more than one website to use to create a QR code, you can find the websites by putting ‘how to create a free QR code’ in your local search engine, click on one of the links and follow the instructions.