Seville Orange Marmalade


  • 1.5 kg Seville Oranges
  • 2.75 - 3.5 litres Water
  • Juice of 2 lemons or 1tsp Citric Acid
  • 3kg Sugar


Scrub the fruit, cut in half and squeeze out the juice. Tie the pips in a muslin bag.

Slice the peel thinly, without removing the pith.

Place in a preserving pan with the juice, the muslin bag and water. Simmer gently until the peel is quite soft and the contents reduced about one third; about 2 hours

remove from the heat, squeeze the muslin bag to extract the juice then remove the bag. Test for pectin.

Add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Return the pan to the heat, bring to the boil and boil rapidly until setting point is reached.

Remove any scum, allow to cool slightly until a thick skin forms, then stir gently.

Pour into warmed jars, cover and label.


The principles of making marmalade are essentially the same as for making jam, although the peel of citrus fruit needs considerably longer to cook than softer fruits, therefore more water is required.

Seville oranges, although not the prettiest are the most superior orange for marmalade; once you have mastered the method of making jam why not experiment with additional flavours and fruits eg whisky, grapefruit, limes etc