Microwave Three Fruit Marmalade


  • 1 Large Grapefruit
  • 3 Seville Oranges
  • 2 Lemons
  • Water
  • 1 kg Sugar


Peel the fruit, avoiding the pith and shred the peel thinly.

Put into a large bowl, although one that will fit in the microwave.

Remove the excess pith and pips. Put these into a piece of muslin and put into the bowl.

Chop the fruit finely and add.

Pour in 900ml boiling water and leave overnight for the peel to start to soften.

Sterilise the jam jars and lids.

Microwave on full power for 23 minutes.

Strain the muslin bag into the fruit, pressing well to extract maximum pectin.

Cook the fruit again for 12 minutes.

Meanwhile, warm the sugar in the oven.

Stir in the sugar until completely dissolved.

Half cover the bowl and cook for 15 minutes.

Leave to stand 30 mins, stirring occasionally.

Pour into warm jars and seal.