Blackberry Drink


  • 2kg Blackberries or Brambles
  • 570ml Water
  • Caster Sugar to taste, 250-375g
  • 25g Citric Acid


Sterilise 1 large litre bottle or 2 smaller bottles.

Wash the fruit well.

Place in a large pan with the water.

Bring to the boil, then turn down to simmer for about 5 mins until soft.

Remove from the heat and use a potato masher to bring out more of the juice.

Place the contents in a jelly bag or sieve covered with muslin and allow to strain through.

Measure out the juice. For every 100ml juice add between 45 -75g (very sweet) caster sugar.

Place the bowl of juice, citric acid and sugar over a pan of hot water and stir to allow the sugar to dissolve.

Pour into a bottle, seal and label. Store in the fridge.

To serve as a drink dilute with water to taste.