Lemon & Lime Marmalade


  • 454g (1lb) limes
  • 225g (8oz) lemons
  • 1.4kg (3lb) granulated cane sugar
  • 1.75 litres (3 pints) water


Juice the fruit and pour the juice with the water into a large, lidded pan with a capacity of 7 litres. Remove the inner membranes and pips from the fruit with a sharp knife. Leave the pith attached to the peel. Put the membranes into a food processor or mini-chopper and chop finely.

Put the chopped membranes, and pips into a 30cm x 30cm piece of thin cotton muslin. Tie this up with string and add it to the pan.

Slice the peel and add to the pan. If possible, leave the pan overnight to allow the fruit to soak. Next day, bring the lidded pan to boil, turn down the heat and simmer very gently for two hours.
After two hours, the peel should be tender and the volume in the pan reduced by a third. Remove the lid from the pan and set aside. Remove the muslin bag. Place it in a sieve suspended over the pan. Using a large spoon press any liquid from the bag back into the pan. Warm the sugar in a low oven at 140ºC (275ºF/Gas1).

Add the sugar to the pan and dissolve it carefully. Bring the pan to a rolling boil and test for a set after 7 minutes using the flake, cold plate or temperature test. Remove any scum with a large metal spoon. Leave to cool for 7 minutes. Gently stir the marmalade to distribute the peel. Pour the marmalade into clean sterilized warm jars and cover with new twist top lids. Leave the jars upright and undisturbed to set. Alternatively, apply a waxed disc to the surface of each jar and when cold cover each jar with a cellophane top secured with a rubber band.